RAVE REVIEWS for The Liar!
The Liar opened at the Gulfshore Playhouse, April 4th, with huge success! And now, we've received rave reviews from the press, not to mention some nice little shout-outs for me!

"There’s not a weak actor in the bunch... particularly Kate Siepert as the twins Isabelle and Sabine — one is sexually aggressive, the other is an unapologetic sourpuss, but both are laugh-out-loud funny."
- CHARLES RUNNELLS, News_Press.com
"...identical twin sisters Isabelle and Sabine (both skillfully and delightfully played by Kate Siepert)...Ms. Siepert, as the twin maids, creates two very different and distinct personalities, providing some of the evening’s biggest laughs."
- Nancy Stetson, Naples Florida Weekly